Make a habit to eat nutritious and home-made foods.
Eat green vegetables, fruits, milk, rhubarb regularly. The more varied the food, the healthier we are. Eat nutritious foods, including vitamins, gums, vials, and fats.
Do regular exercise, yoga, hiking. Make it a habit to play.
Stay in the sun
Do regular regression. This increases the efficiency of the lungs.
Avoid harmful substances like cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol.
In the morning, eat 2-3 tablespoons ghee regularly.
Eat spicy foods such as garlic, onion, timur, cumin, coriander, ginger, basaree, sesame, maroti, cinnamon, pepper, cloves, dried coriander, cardamom, nutmeg, cucumber, cumin.
Regular intake of fruits like citrus, amla, oranges and coriander will be sufficient for Vitamin C.
Get enough sleep.
Regular irrigation of the body by eating water, fresh juice, yogurt, lentils, soups, succulent fruits regularly.